Thursday, February 7, 2013

Good vs. Bad Composition

Two examples of Bad composition:
(Disclaimer: both pictures were taken on my trip to New York a few months ago.) both pictures represent bad composition because they are flat. Although the first picture contains different lighting, it has no focal point, when staring at the picture your eyes are not sure where to focus. The second picture   would also be considered as bad composition, it also has no focal point, although it contain some nice shadows the picture itself is blend, not much texture, symmetry not quite there.

Two example of good composition:
Both pictures represent good composition. The first picture is a girl (Pierre) staring at the building in the background, one may think that the building is the focal point but in fact the focal point is pierre looking at the building. This picture contains a variety with different textures: trees, rock, sky, also contains symmetry, all together every thing unites. the second picture, which is my favorite, represent good composition because there is a forefront a middle and a back, it has good balance, with space, symmetry, a strong structure,  and different textures. this picture contains a wonderful set of variety of of structures to look at without degrading the importance of the houses (the focal point.)

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